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How Schukat is Preparing for the Consequences of Climate Change 

Protection from weather extremes goes hand in hand with active climate protection

Schukat photovoltaic system

companynews I 20.02.2023

To produce and supply goods reliably even when faced with extreme climate conditions, Schukat electronic has taken an active role in climate impact assessments for many years. Steps taken to counteract heavy rainfall and heat ensure that our operations remain reliable and trouble-free and also improve staff performance. At the same time, Schukat is actively driving climate protection.

Heatwaves, heavy rain, and storms are becoming more and more frequent — in Germany, too — and having an ever-growing impact on economic processes. Severe rainfall events, for example, can damage goods and lead to the destruction of critical infrastructure, while heatwaves reduce staff performance, availability, and work quality. For stable service provision, business partners now expect site-specific assessment of foreseeable risks and their proper management — these are often crucial criteria for partnering decisions. Schukat electronic has already been involved in climate impact assessments for many years, aiming to reduce the direct effects of extreme weather and, at the same time, to make our own contribution to climate protection.

Climate impact assessments from the start

Choosing our company site in Monheim am Rhein took into account extreme weather events that statistically occur only once every 500 years. Steps were therefore taken from the very start to reduce the risk presented by flooding from severe rainfall events. If flooding should nevertheless occur, Schukat has gone further: when the foundation stone of the administration and warehouse building was laid in 2001, a rainwater management system (infiltration basin) was built. This was renovated in 2018 during construction of the 4500m2 green-roofed warehouse for the new logistics centre. The combination of green roofs and infiltration basins relieves pressure on the sewage system, reduces the risk of rainwater backing up, and minimises the potential for damage caused by flooding of the company premises.

In addition to its benefits for rainwater management, the vegetation on the warehouse roof means a reduction in the heat entering the building during hot spells, while also providing a new habitat for insects.
The risk of a power failure caused by a brief heavy downpour is mitigated by a second transformer station fitted with a switching device on a higher part of the company’s premises. The electrical distribution units were also moved higher. These measures enable Schukat to operate normally and provide our services securely even during extreme rain events.

Greater stability and independence

To reduce the strain on employees in prolonged hot spells, Schukat electronic uses geothermal heat exchangers to keep the building cool. The heat exchangers lower the room temperature inside not only in a more climate-friendly way than air conditioners would, but also pre-condition the outside air in winter, reducing the energy demand of the heating coils.

In addition, significantly heavier-duty insulation has been used than that required for the targeted temperature level according to ENEV. The interior thus takes much longer to heat up in sunny weather, and heat losses in winter are considerably lower. Dividing the warehouse into a “warm” hall and a “cold” hall with only limited heating also contributes to lowering the company’s energy needs.

Image: By using rotating heat exchangers, Schukat electronic regenerates some 80 percent of the energy supplied.

Schukat is able to regenerate around 80 percent of the inflowing energy by employing rotating heat exchangers. Two 37kW gas absorption heat pumps provide the initial load up to 65°C and increase the proportion of renewable energy sources used in heating the facility. The heat pumps achieve over 145 percent efficiency down to minimum surrounding temperatures of -7°C.

In addition, the 185kW peak photovoltaic system and a 200kWh Li-ion battery system installed in 2018 also increase the company’s share of green electricity and stabilise the power the company generates. In this way, Schukat is able to compensate for fluctuations in the mains supply. A further expansion stage aims to secure operation of internally sensitive infrastructure independently of the mains network.

Actively contributing to climate protection and remaining a reliable partner — in the future, too, Schukat will continue to integrate preventive measures into new buildings from the very start.