Weicon Fast-Metal Minute Adhesive 24ml

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7 Pcs. in stock

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Manufacturer bundle 12 Pcs.
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Price per 1 Pcs.

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Fact Sheet

Packaging (ml)
24 ml


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  • Weicon
  • Fast-Metal Minute Adhesive
  • Fast-Metal
Product group
  • R3122
  • Bonding of metals; plastics; fiber composites; ceramics; glass; stone; wood

Packaging (ml)
  • 24 ml
  • Due to its high viscosity (paste consistency), this steel-filled adhesive can be applied not only to vertical surfaces, but can also be used to fill cracks, bubble cavities and uneven surfaces.
    Ideal for repairs requiring the bridging of large tolerance gaps.
    - paste consistency, gap-filling
    - very short pot life (3-4 minutes)
    - quick-curing
    - machinable (grinding, filing, drilling etc.)
    - colour: anthracite

Operating conditions

Temperature resistance, min.
  • -50 °C
Temperature resistance, max.
  • 145 °C
  • When stored in unopened condition in a dry place at constant room temperature of approx. +20°C, WEICON Epoxy Adhesives have a shelf life of at least 18 months. Protect from direct sunlight. In case of non-observance of these storage instructions, the shelf life is reduced to 6 six months. In general, epoxy resins tend to crystallise at temperatures below +5°C. This effect is increased by large temperature fluctuations, e.g. during transport especially in the winter months. This has a negative impact on processing, curing and technical data, can, however, be reversed by heating the product (up to max. +50°C, no open flame). In WEICON Epoxy Adhesives, crystallisation is reduced by the careful choice and combinations of base resins (bisphenol A and F).


  • Surface pre-treatment: Clean and dry bonding surfaces are essential for flawless adhesive bonding (e.g. cleaning and degreasing with WEICON Surface Cleaner).

    Processing: The adhesive is applied to just one side. The specified pot life refers to a material batch of 10 ml at room temperature. Larger batch quantities will result in faster curing. Higher temperatures also reduce the pot life and curing time. (General rule: every increase by +10 °C above room temperature results in a decrease of the pot life and curing time by half). Temperatures below +16 °C increase the pot life and curing time significantly. From approx. +5C and below, no reaction takes place.


MSDS_105511_DE_DE_Fast-Metal Minutenkleber Harz.pdf
MSDS_105511_DE_DE_Fast-Metal Minutenkleber Harz.pdf
MSDS_105512_DE_DE_Fast-Metal Minutenkleber Härter.pdf
MSDS_105512_DE_DE_Fast-Metal Minutenkleber Härter.pdf