6620 401 501
Varta Lithium Manganese Dioxide Button Cell CR CR1620 3V 70mAh
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1.120 Pcs. in stock
Planned delivery time
Ø 16 Weeks
Life Cycle Status
The life cycle indicates which market phase the item is in. We distinguish between:
• Active (green)
• NRND = Not Recommended for New Designs (yellow)
• LTB = Last Time Buy (yellow)
• EOL = End of Life (red)
Available (from stock)
Data Sheet
Manufacturer bundle 1200 Pcs.
Manufacturer's packaging unit (Mfr. PU) means the smallest original packaging unit of the manufacturer.
Price per 1 Pcs.
Quantity and Options
(at least 20 or multiple of 20)
All prices net plus VAT. We do not deliver to private customers.
Fact Sheet
- Rated Voltage
- 3 V
- Nominal capacity
- 70 mAh
- Chemical system
- Lithium Manganese Dioxide
- IEC Code
- CR1620
Open all
Electrical features
- Nominal capacity
- 70 mAh
- Rated Voltage
- 3 V
Hazardous Substances/Goods
- UN number
- 3090 - Lithium metal battery