Stannol Desoldering Braid 0,8mm 1.500mm
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115 Pcs. in stock
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Ø 4 Weeks
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Available (from stock)
Data Sheet
Manufacturer bundle 25 Pcs.
Manufacturer's packaging unit (Mfr. PU) means the smallest original packaging unit of the manufacturer.
Price per 1 Pcs.
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Fact Sheet
- Leaded
- false
- Flux type (IPC-J-STD-004)
- RoHS-Conform
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Operating conditions
- Shelf Life
- 24 Monate
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The Stannol No-Clean desoldering stranded wire is placed on the solder to be removed. The stranded wire is heated at the end with a soldering iron until the solder melts. The capillary action draws the solder into the stranded wire. The stranded wire is then is removed and the part filled with solder is cut off. A sudden heat shock, such as occurs with vacuum suction systems, is avoided because the because the stranded wire is placed on the soldered joint in a cold state.