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Fact Sheet

Flux type (IPC-J-STD-004)


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  • Stannol
  • Soldering Paste
  • SP
Product group
  • R5261
  • Soldering SMD components

Packaging (g)
  • 500 g
Flux type (IPC-J-STD-004)
  • REL0
  • - "No-clean" Solder paste
    - Very good printing after extended printer downtime
    - Reflow possible under air or nitrogen
    - Very good wetting on all surfaces, including Ni and Pd
    - High wet adhesive strength for use on high-speed assembly machines
    - Very suitable for large-area soldering
    - Suitable for fine pitch down to 0,4mm
    - Contains a highly active type L no-clean flux

Operating conditions

Density (20°C)
  • 3.9 g/cm3
Melting range, min.
  • 217 °C
Melting range, max.
  • 223 °C
Viscosity, min.
  • 550.000 cPs (25°C)
Viscosity, max.
  • 850.000 cPs (25°C)
  • Please store the SP2200 solder paste at 2-8°C in a refrigerator, tightly sealed in the original container. Solder paste in syringes (e.g. ≤ 30 cc) or cartridges (e.g. Semco 6 & 12 oz) should be stored in upright position with the dispensing tip facing downwards. If cartridges cannot be stored vertically and need to be stored horizontally, it is recommended to turn cartridges 180° once a week to prevent separation. Typical shelf life in jars is 6 months and in cartridges 3 months from the date of manufacturing. Please refer to the expiry date on the label of the packaged product for more dedicated information. Please let the solder paste after storage allow recovering to room temperature before opening the jar for at least 8-12h to avoid condensation of humidity on the solder paste surface.

Shelf Life
  • 6 Monate


  • Recommendation for solder paste printing:

    1. Use always the thinnest possible stencil thickness.

    2. Use always stencils with rounded corners, to reduce clogging of apertures to the lowest possible minimum.

    3. Set the squeegee pressure to 1kg for each 5cm of squeegee length. Then reduce the pressure step by step, till the solder paste starts smearing on the stencil. Then add 1kg to the squeegee pressure and check, that the solder paste leaves no residues after printing on the surface of the stencil. Evaluate this parameter at your desired print speed.

    4. Optimum print results can be achieved at print speeds between 10-75 mm sec-1.

    5. Please ensure a perfect sealing between PCB and stencil. The PCB has to have the best possible support, to achieve the optimum sealing to the stencil, so that the solder paste cannot be printed between pads and stencil. This avoids solder balling.

    6. Printer down times up to 60min can be achieved. The following first print after 1h should give good filling of apertures and a good print result.

