Stannol Flux 25.000ml
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Data Sheet
Manufacturer bundle 1 Pcs.
Manufacturer's packaging unit (Mfr. PU) means the smallest original packaging unit of the manufacturer.
Price per 1 Pcs.
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Fact Sheet
- Leaded
- false
- Flux type (IPC-J-STD-004)
- ORL0
- RoHS-Conform
Open all
Operating conditions
- Density (20°C)
- 0.818 g/cm3
- Shelf Life
- 24 Monate
Electrical features
- Surface Insulation Resistance
- 10⁸ Ohm Ohm
- Directions
The Stannol flux EF350 BIO has been developed for application with spray fluxers, but foam fluxers can also be used. The preheat temperature should be at least 90° C measured on the surface of the circuit board when entering the solder wave. This temperature ensures the evaporation of the solvent and a sufficient activation of the flux. Preheat temperatures up to 120-130°C for a short period of time may be tolerated by the flux. Evaporation of solvent can change the composition. Evaporation causes an increase of the solid content, and therefore the density increases. This can be tested with the Stannol Mini-Titration-Kit.
- Standards
EN 16785-2