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7 Pcs. in stock

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Ø 3 Weeks
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Manufacturer bundle 12 Pcs.
Manufacturer's packaging unit (Mfr. PU) means the smallest original packaging unit of the manufacturer.
Price per 1 Pcs.

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Fact Sheet

Other Special


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  • CRC
  • Other Special
  • FLUID 101
  • Moisture displacement

Packaging (ml)
  • 200 ml
  • - Capillary, water displacing and insulating
    - The special capillary fluid penetrates into the smallest crevices, displacing water and moisture.
    - Ideal for repair of electrical plant and equipment after water damage.
    - Also for quick rectification moisture-induced disorders.
    - Avoids short circuits
    - Documents in 19 languages


  • Spray wet parts from all sides with KONTAKT CHEMIE Fluid 101 until saturated. Rotate parts so that the displaced water can run off. Blast out with compressed air, if
    necessary. When treating electric motors or electrical assemblies containing transformers or coils, these must be fully dried (at least 24 hours) before being put back into service. Otherwise there will be a danger of damage caused by the vapour
    pressure of the volatile constituents in Fluid 101. If this advice is followed, Fluid 101 can be used to obtain contact resistances corresponding to those of new assemblies. The treatment of wet parts should be completed as quickly as possible to prevent corrosion damage. Do not spray KONTAKT CHEMIE Fluid 101 onto energised equipment. When using the product, ensure that there is adequate ventilation at the place of work. Further safety instructions can be found in the safety datasheet.

Hazardous Substances/Goods

UN number
  • 1950 - Pressurised gas pack


FLUID 101 - Kontakt chemie - Europe-sds_germany-German-3-BDS000626AE.pdf
FLUID 101 - Kontakt chemie - Europe-sds_germany-German-3-BDS000626AE.pdf