CRC Citro Cleaner 500ml
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11 Pcs. in stock
Planned delivery time
Ø 3 Weeks
Life Cycle Status
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• Active (green)
• NRND = Not Recommended for New Designs (yellow)
• LTB = Last Time Buy (yellow)
• EOL = End of Life (red)
Available (from stock)
Data Sheet
Manufacturer bundle 12 Pcs.
Manufacturer's packaging unit (Mfr. PU) means the smallest original packaging unit of the manufacturer.
Price per 1 Pcs.
Quantity and Options
(at least 1 or multiple of 1)
All prices net plus VAT. We do not deliver to private customers.
Fact Sheet
- Type
- Citro Cleaner
- RoHS-Conform
Open all
- Directions
Extremely versatile, the product may be applied manually with a brush, by scrubbing, through agitation, soaking and immersion. Use only with adequate ventilation. Test before use on sensitive materials. Do not use on energized equipment. Do not use on sensitive electronic equipment. Apply directly, in concentrated form. Allow a few minutes for good penetration. Wiping with a clean lint free cloth. Allow to dry completely before reactivation. Protect and re-lubricate if necessary. A safety data sheet (MSDS) according to EC Regulation N° 1907/2006 Art.31 and amendments is available for all CRC products.
Hazardous Substances/Goods
- UN number
- 1950 - Pressurised gas pack
Citro Cleaner - Manufacturers-sds_germany-German-1-BDS001674AE.pdf
Citro Cleaner - Manufacturers-sds_germany-German-1-BDS001674AE.pdf