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Fact Sheet

Electronic Cleaner


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  • CRC
  • Electronic Cleaner
  • Cleaner and degreaser

Packaging (ml)
  • 200 ml
  • - Heavy duty cleaner and degreaser which works to fight stubborn dirt and grease
    - Powerful cleaner which gets rid of difficult or solidified grime from motors, high voltage switches, air conditioning, antenna insulators, cables, fans, switchgears etc.
    - Material compatibility: good with soluble resistant materials like metal, wire enamel etc.
    - Drying time: 20...30 minutes, approx. evaporation rate 19 (ether = 1)
    - Flammability: flash point at 25°C, flammable
    - K65-200-M22: documents in 22 languages


  • DEGREASER 65 is applied by means of an aerosol can, which also works upside down and is equipped with an extension tube for hard to reach area. In this way, also small pieces and drilling holes can be cleaned. DEGREASER 65 dissolves stubborn contaminations in a short time. Brushing or wiping supports the cleaning action. In case of stubborn dirt or resins, the cleaner can be left on the contaminant for some minutes to allow a thorough action, before wiping it of and rinsing. With the relative high flash point of 25°C, the DEGREASER 65 can be used on small surfaces without too much risks. When used on larger surfaces, safety guidelines to avoid explosion should be taken care of. Do not use DEGREASER 65 on energized equipment. Assure the product is completely evaporated before bringing the cleaned equipment in use again. Ensure a good ventilation during the application. A safety data sheet (MSDS) according EU directive 93/112 is available for all CRC products.

Hazardous Substances/Goods

UN number
  • 1950 - Pressurised gas pack


DEGREASER 65 - Kontakt chemie - Europe-sds_germany-German-3-BDS000275AE.pdf
DEGREASER 65 - Kontakt chemie - Europe-sds_germany-German-3-BDS000275AE.pdf